Friday, February 22, 2008

What to do when the snow falls

Residents of Hickory, it's snowing.  It's ugly.  It's slushy and miserable outside the precious walls that shield you from the elements.  I have a suggestion to pass the time and entertain until the weather breaks... OnDemand.

I don't work for Comcast.   I think they charge WAY too much for their shoddy service that works most of the time.  I do, however, love TV and movies more than most adults my age.  I can also watch a movie over and over and over and over... until my spouse threatens to leave if I watch the same movie/TV show ONE MORE TIME.

Today I ventured out into the world of the unknown.  I decided to watch a movie that I've heard about for years (read: 1980s) and never watched because I didn't "get" the title.  That movie, my dear neighbors, is Mystic Pizza.  My gay-before-he-admitted-it friend from high school used to go on and on about Julia Robers in Mystic Pizza, so much so that I think he had a secret desire to BE Julia Roberts in Mystic Pizza.  As I flicked through hundreds of channels with nothing on them that piqued my interests, I decided to load the OnDemand menu.  I spent about 10 minutes scanning menus until I decided, "Hey, today is going to be the day that I finally watch Mystic Pizza."  You know what?  I liked Mystic Pizza.  I thought it was good.  Not comparable to an Oscar nominated flick, but for a 1980s chick-flick it entertained me.  I don't think I would have watched it if it were July and 85 degrees and sunny outside, but because it's February and cold and dreary and the frizzle is now falling I watched it and liked it.

So, I charge you, find a movie or TV show that you have been meaning to watch and WATCH it!  It's not like you can make snowballs out of frozen rain!

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