Friday, February 15, 2008

I *heart* LOST

As a service to all of my fellow LOSTies living in Hickory, I'm going to hook you up with some of the best links I know of related to my favorite all-time TV show LOST! I am so totally addicted to this show. Like Dane Cook says, when LOST breaks for commercial (which it does WAY TOO FREAKIN MUCH for my liking), you find yourself pissed beyond belief that you now have 42 more questions and no answers. But we LOSTies keep coming back for more, don't we?

This link summarizes last night's V-day episode. The writers here are witty and really into LOST, so enjoy! Be sure to sign up for LOST updates at the end of the article.

The LOST wiki, which is like an instantaneous O for LOST tech geeks. Rock on.

The LOST blog.'s list of LOST blogs, where they flatter us by calling us, "some of the smartest, most observant TV viewers of any show."

That should be about enough to get you started. If you have the time and initiative, these links can get you LOST in a world of online puzzles and clues like you wouldn't believe!

Now, head down the Mt. Pleasant Twp. fire hall, pick up a fish sandwich to nosh on, and then cuddle on the couch with your laptop and a nice glass of your favorite libation and get LOST!

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