Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pa. State Police 'Ticket Blitz' E-Mail Is Hoax

Here's the deal, people. In the time it takes to forward a hoax-y email to your entire address book, you could have gone to google to verify it's authenticity. No joke.

You really think Bill Gates is going to share his fortune? Google "microsoft email bill gates shares his fortune" prior to hitting "forward".

Beware faux perfume salespeople in mall parking lots!!!

Never stay at a modern hotel that uses key cards instead of good old-fashioned metal keys!

I just got a new one the other day; this one was a freakin' email petition. The subject was "Removal of Joel Osteen and other pastors" and the message begged me to participate or return the email to whoever sent it so that at least they could keep the email going. It took me all of 5 seconds to type "dr dobson email hoax" (I pick random words in the message) into google and find oodles of sites declaring this email/petition a hoax.

Please, people, for the love of all that is decent, please don't forward this garbage before doing 30 seconds of investigating. If you are google-phobic, two good sites to search are and

I thank you. Your address book thanks you. Your email server thanks you.

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