Wednesday, March 5, 2008

50% off at

The gals over at thriftymommy have posted a reminder that today is the last day to get 50% off of gift certificates at

These certificates are an excellent deal, even when they are not on sale. Hubby and I recently went to the Georgetowne Inn on Mt. Washington. We used a $25 gift certificate that we bought at during a 60% off sale. The regular price of the $25 cert on the site is $10, so we paid $4 for $25 worth of food and drink at the Georgetowne Inn.

A few of the other locations that are around 15340:

The Classroom in McMurray
Club 40 in Washington
Maxwell's in Meadowlands
Club Louie in Station Square

There are many more, but these are some of our favorites. Check it out... it's a great deal!

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